Internal Monitoring

Executive Management of the Bank ensures the effectiveness and structure of the internal control system. The internal control system is implemented at all levels of the bank’s organizational structure, including:

  • Shareholders meeting, 
  • Board of Directors,
  • Audit Committee, Risk Committee and Human Resources Committee under the Board of Directors,
  • Chief Executive Officer, 
  • Management Committee,
  • Internal Audit Department,
  • Managers of departments, divisions and units.

Management and employees participate in the bank’s internal control system with the following roles

Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is responsible for ensuring that an adequate and effective system of internal control is established and maintained; periodically reviewing that the CEO takes necessary steps and effective measures to eliminate potential risks identified by the Internal Audit Committee and Supervisory body of Bank of Mongolia; oversees whether the positive effects are observed on the Internal Audit Department operations to mitigate all types of risks.
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Executive Officer is responsible for organizing and maintaining an organizational structure that clearly assigns responsibility, authority and reporting relationships; ensuring that delegated responsibilities are effectively carried out; establishing appropriate bank policies, procedures and overseeing their implementation.
Internal Audit Department:
Internal Audit Department is responsible for the surveillance over the proper functioning of corporate governance principles, whether systems of internal control and risk management are maintained effectively; also helps to ensure that the bank complies with laws and regulations as well as business ethics and their implementation, and proper assessment of the risks; advises to the executive management and other departments on assessing, mitigating, eliminating associated risks; reports the results to the Audit Committee and Board of Directors to the extent that the goals and strategic objectives of a bank will be met, ensuring improvements done on bank operations and keeping a well balance within the legal interests of the bank, shareholders and customers.
Senior management of departments and units
Members of senior management team delegate duties and responsibilities on establishing specific internal control policies and procedures to those responsible for a particular business unit; and ensure proper verification is conducted at each operational level; and senior management is responsible for promoting adequate employees to higher positions.
Bank employee
Employees are responsible for effective implementation of their duties and timely communicating appropriate level of management about any problems in operations at an instance the non-compliance or potential risk is noticed.

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