Benefits of internet bank

  • Manage your accounts using single window;
  • Simple transaction entries and history;
  • Execute transactions much easier and faster.
  • List of most frequent transaction opponents;
  • scheduled transactions;
  • Foreign exchange deals and reservations;
  • Other services.
  • [Click here] to download Internet bank service instruction.

Terms & conditions

Enrolment fee
Annual fee
10,000 MNT
Vasco token*
With logo60,000 MNT
Without logo40,000 MNT
25,000 MNT
Transaction within Chinggis Khaan Bank accounts
100 MNT**
Foreign CCY
No charge
Inter-bank transaction
MNT    300 MNT
Foreign CCY
0.50 USD
Single transaction limit
Without vasco token
Without vasco token
12,000,000 MNT
Daily maximum limit
12,000,000 MNT

**Not applicable for transactions within own accounts

Subscribing for the Internet banking service:

  • The authorized person of the entity shall visit the bank in person with ID document and entity stamp;
  • If the customer can’t visit the nearest branch in person, an assigned representative with a power of attorney certified by notary and with a copy of citizenship ID card may represent the customer;
  • Internet banking password is sent to the registered email address;
  • Download the online banking service application form [ Click here ].
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